

参考价: 面议

2017-12-07 15:20:20





产品规格:10KN 20kN 30kN 50kN 100kN




XGW系列微机控制环刚度试验机采用机械加荷、电子测量、数字连续调速,应用微型单片机进行实时控制。广泛应用于具有环形横截面的热塑性塑料管材和玻璃钢管环刚度的测定,满足PE双臂波纹管、缠绕管和各种管材标准的要求。该机对试验力、位移、速度同时进行数字显示,并有试验力峰值保持功能。适用于塑料管材环柔、环刚度、扁平、焊缝拉伸、管材蠕变比率等试验。并具备电子*试验机的所有功能,可以作拉伸、压缩、弯曲 拉伸力强度 断裂伸长率 屈服强度 等试验。是工矿企业、科研院所、大专院校、商检仲裁、技术监督等部门的理想检测设备。

二 特点:

1、 闭环控制:采用松下电机和伺服系统,高性能的调速系统使试验速度实现闭环、自动控制;


3、 实验数据和曲线可以存储、分析、打印和调阅:通过计算机,自动求取zui大试验力、断裂强度、屈服强度、抗拉强度、弯曲挠度、弹性模量、伸长率等参数,并对试验结果自动存储;


5、 安全保护功能齐全:具备试样拉断、过载、过流、撞车试验机自动停机等多种保护功能:


7 采用PC机和单片机系统两种控制方式,既可由单片机系统单独操控,亦可与PC机连接使用,实现强大数据处理,分析,曲线跟踪,数据库管理等功能

    8 自动返回零点,试验结束自动停车并返回,提高实验效率,(可自主设定)

    9 自动清零:主控计算机接到试验开始指令,测量系统便自动清零。

    10 自动换档:根据负荷大小自动切换到适当量程。以确保测量数据精确度。

三 符合标准

  GB/T 9647-2003热塑性塑料管材环刚度的测定

  GB/T 18477-2001埋地排水用硬聚氯乙烯双壁波纹管材

  GB/T 16800-1997排水用芯层发泡硬聚氯乙烯管材

  GB/T1947 埋地用聚乙烯结构壁管道系统

  GB/T 165-2002 高密度聚乙烯缠绕壁结构管材

GB/T 838-1998 玻璃纤维缠绕增强热固性树脂夹砂压力管


ISO 9697、ISO 9969、ASTM D 2412


1 zui大负荷;10kN 20kN 30kN 50kN  100KN

2 有效压缩空间:0--1000mm  0--1500mm  0--2000mm。




6 位移显示分辨率:0.001mm

7 速度范围:0.1~500mm/min

8 内径测量系统测量范围:10mm--2000mm

9 电源:交流220V±10%  50Hz  1.5kW



XGH microcomputer control ring stiffness tester

Product introduction:
XGW series microcomputer control ring stiffness tester adopts mechanical loading, electronic measurement and digital continuous speed control, and the microchip microcontroller is used for real-time control.
It is widely used in the determination of the ring stiffness of thermoplastic tubing and glass tube with circular cross section, which meets the requirements of PE arms bellows, winding pipe and various pipe material standards.
The test force, displacement and speed of the machine are displayed simultaneously, and the test force peak retention function.
It is suitable for test of plastic tube ring, ring stiffness, flat, welding seam stretch, tensile strength of tensile strength of pipe material and yield strength of tensile strength.
It has all the functions of electronic universal testing machine, such as stretching, compression and bending.
It is an ideal testing equipment for industrial and mining enterprises, scientific research institutes, colleges and universities, commodity inspection and arbitration, technical supervision and other departments.
Two features:
1. Closed loop control: adopt the panasonic motor and servo system, the high performance speed regulating system enables the test speed to be closed and automatic control;
2. Software system: using the man-machine dialogue operation of Windows xp Chinese platform, the operation is simple and the data is accurate;
Open software can provide different experimental reports and parameters according to customer's personalized requirements.
3, the experimental data and curves can be stored, analyzed, print, and read: through computer, automatically calculate the maximum test force, tensile strength, yield strength, tensile strength, bending deflection, parameters such as elastic modulus, elongation, and the test results automatically stored;
4, a variety of experimental curve can be drawn: force - elongation, elongation, stress and time, force - time - time and curve and curve local amplification, analysis and multiple sample curve superposition can use different color, contrast, and other functions.
5. The safety protection function is complete: it is equipped with various protective functions such as sample pull, overload, overcurrent, automatic shutdown of crash test machine, etc. :
6. The inner diameter measurement system can accuray measure the deformation of the inner diameter of the tube and bellows
7 by using PC and single chip microcomputer system two kinds of control mode, as well as system by single-chip microcomputer control alone, can also be connected to the PC using, realize the powerful data processing, analysis, curve tracking, database management, and other functions
8 automatic return zero, test end automatic stop and return, improve experimental efficiency, (self-setting)
Automatic clear zero: the main control computer receives the test to start the instruction, the measurement system automatically zero.
Automatic shift: automatically switch to the appropriate range according to the load size.
To ensure the accuracy of measurement data.
Three standard
GB/T 9647-2003 determination of the ring stiffness of thermoplastic tubing
GB/T 18477-2001 buried drainage with hard polyvinyl chloride double wall corrugated pipe
GB/T 16800-1997 drainage core layer foamed hard polyvinyl chloride tubing
GB/T1947 embedded polyethylene wall pipe system
GB/T 165-2002 high density polyethylene winding wall structure pipe
GB/T 838-1998 fiberglass winding enhanced thermosetting resin sand pressure tube
GB/T16491, GB/T5836 standard
ISO 9697, ISO 9969, ASTM D 2412
Iv. Main technical parameters:
1 maximum load;
10 kn 20 kn 30 kn 50 kn
2. Effective compression space: 0--1000mm 0--1500mm 0-- 2000mm.
3. Level of load measurement accuracy;
Level 1
4 force value display resolution: 0.1N
5. Deformation display resolution: 0.02mm
6 displacement display resolution: 0.001mm
7 speed range: 0.1 ~ 500mm/min
Measuring range of internal diameter measurement system: 10mm--2000mm
9 power supply: ac 220V plus or minus 10% 50Hz 1.5kw
10 dimensions: 1400 X 800 * 2800mm (long X width X height)
Total weight: 480Kg



上一篇:如何提高拉压试验机控制系统的稳定性? 下一篇:介电材料的测试方案
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