时间:2013-11-07 阅读:2028
Provide constant humidity and heat,complex high and low temperature alternating and other test environment and test conditions for electronic components,industrial materials and finished products in development,production and testing processes,applicable for electronic
appliances,ecommunications,chemicals,hardware,rubber,furniture,toys,scientific research etc.
可程式恒温恒湿试验箱中英文说明◆特点 Features
★The Temperature and humidity chambers They are constructed in modules of control panel,electrical control system,insulation blocks,air circulator and heating/cooling unit,The chambers are specialized in 6 standard sizes and 10 standard conditioning modales.
★Controller can communicate with a PC through LAN interfact.Users may control, program and monitor the chamber fram PC .(option)
★The sirocco fan provides greater air flow rate to minimize any dead zone in the chamber to ensure the uniformity of temperature and humidity.
★Well-prepared safety devices,if the safety devices of chamber activate,monitor will display the trouble shooting details and solution.
为达到用户对产品做极低的温度测试,KSUN公司为设备配备了复迭式制冷系统。并采用低温级为R23或R508B,高温级为R404或R507的“绿色环保”制冷剂,根据美国环保部门标准,该类制冷剂可用到2030年之后,禁用日期还未确定;为使该制冷系统获取更佳的制冷效果,KSUN公司为机械配备了世界企业法国泰康(TECUMSEH)公司生产的全封闭式压缩机,对于设备制冷有更高要求的则采用德国比泽比(Bitzer)或德国谷轮公司(DWM COPELAND)生产的半封闭式压缩机。
型 号 | 80L | 225L | 408L | 800L | 1000L |
| |
内容积(L) | 80 | 225 | 408 | 800 | 1000 |
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内部尺寸(cm) | 40×50×40 | 50×75×60 | 60×85 ×80 | 100×100×80 | 100×100×100 |
| |
外部尺寸(cm) | 97×136×97 | 95×165×115 | 105×175×135 | 145×190×135 | 145×190×155 |
| |
重量(Kg) | 300 | 350 | 400 | 600 | 700 |
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性 能 | 调温调湿方式 | 平衡调温调湿方式(BTHC)PID智能调节 |
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温度范围 | 0 ℃, -20 ℃, -40 ℃, -60 ℃, -70 ℃~150 ℃ |
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湿度范围 | 20%-98%R.H |
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温度均匀度 | ±2℃ |
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温度波动度 | ±0.5℃ |
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湿度均匀度 | ±3%R.H |
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湿度波动度 | ±2.5%R.H |
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升温速率 | ≥ 3°C/min |
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降温速率 | ≥1°C/min |
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材 料 | 内体材料 | SUS304 镜面不锈钢板 |
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外壳材料 | SUS304拉丝不锈钢板或防锈处理冷轧钢板(喷塑) |
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绝缘材料 | 恒温恒湿箱超细玻璃棉 + 聚胺脂泡沫 |
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调节器 | 制冷方式 | 机械式二元制冷方式 |
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制冷机 | 全封闭(法国泰康或德国谷轮)压缩机 |
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制冷剂 | R23/ R404A |
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冷凝方式 | 风冷或水冷 |
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加热器 | 镍铬合金不锈管加热器 |
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加湿器 | 恒温恒湿机不锈钢加湿筒 |
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鼓风机 | 离心风机 |
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气流方式 | 宽带式强迫气流循环(上出下进) |
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控制器 | 操作界面 | 恒温恒湿机液晶触摸显示屏,中英文切换 |
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运转方式 | 恒定运转、程序运转 |
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程序记忆容量 | 120 组可编程序、每个程序zui大 999 (段) |
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设定指标范围 | 温度-100℃+300℃ 湿度99.9%R.H |
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分辨率 | 温度0.01℃ 湿度0.1%R.H |
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输入 | PT100或T型热电偶 |
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控制方式 | PID控制 |
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通讯功能 | 恒温恒湿机RS-232 接口(配送光盘) |
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打印功能 | 日本横河6点记录仪(选购件) |
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附属功能 | 上下限报警、自诊断、报警显示(故障原因)、定时装置(自动开机、关机) |
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供 水 | 供水方式 | 循环供水 |
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供水箱 | 内置手提式(30Kg容量) |
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水质 | 电阻率>500Ω.M |
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标准配置 | 观察窗(双层中空钢化玻璃)1个;测试孔60mm(位于左边)1个;样品架2层;箱内照明灯(荧光灯)1个;供水箱1个; |
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安全装置 | 电源用漏电保护器,防干烧装置,水系统保护装置,极限高低温保护,温度偏差报警,超压,过载,缺水,缺相等保护 |
※ 注1、温湿度分布均匀测试方法,依照内箱离各边1/10距离有效空间量测
可程式恒温恒湿试验箱中英文说明◆执行与满足标准 Standards implemented and met
·GB2423.1-89低温试验Aa , Ab
·GB2423.1-93(IEC68-2-3)恒定湿热试验 Ca
·GJB 150.9-8温热试验
·GB/T10589-1989 Technical conditions of low temperature test chamber ;
·GB/T1051989 Technical conditions of moisture-heat test chamber ;
·GB/T10592-1989 Technical conditions of high and low temperature test chamber ;
·GB2423.1-89 Low temperature test Aa and Ab ;
·GB2423.1-93(IEC68-2-3)Constant moisture-heat test Ca ;
·MIL-STD810D Method 502.2 ;
·GB/T2423.4-93(MIL-STD810)Method 507.2 procedure3 ;
·GJB 150.9-8Moisture-heat test ;
·GB2423.34-86.MIL-STD883C Method 1004.2 humiture combined circulation test .
本文源自http://www.kingsun17.com ,转载请注明出处。可程式恒温恒湿试验箱