LBZ61-BP防爆变频调速操作柱适用范围 ·1区,2区,危险场所。 ·IIA,II B 内爆炸性气体环境。 ·温度组别:T1-T6 Application 。Can be used in Zone 1 and Zond 2 dangerous places. 。Can be used in IIA,IIB group explosive atmosphere. 。Temperatur classes:T1-T6
LBZ61-BP防爆变频调速操作柱产品特点 ·铸铝合金压铸成型,外表美观。 ·接合面嵌装密封圈,具有良好的防水,防尘性能。 ·内装*转换开关,电位器,频率(转速)表等。 ·按装方式及引线方向多样,并可根据用户要求特制 ·钢管或电缆布线均可。 Features 。It is formed by diecasted A1-alloy with beautiful apperance. 。The interace is couplede with seal washer,having the functions of waterproof and anti-dust. 。Inside are installed selector,potential indicator,frequency indicator etc. 。Mounting modes and terminals are various,it can be made acording to user's requirement. 。Suitable for ateel pipe and cable wiring.