


晶创越世 河北分公司研华 远程I/O模块WISE-4051

时间:2016-07-12      阅读:1324

    晶创越世科技(北京)有限公司主营:研祥加固全系列,研祥工控机,研祥CPCI机箱,研祥CPCI主板,研 祥加固笔记本,研祥平板电脑,研祥嵌入式工控机,研祥显示器,研祥加固显示器,研祥工业显示器,三菱液晶屏,三菱阳光下可视液晶屏,三菱LED背光液晶屏,三菱宽温液晶屏,研华工控机,研华ADAM模块,研华一体化工作站,研华板卡,研华采集卡,研华便携式工控机,研祥工控机,研华嵌入式工控机,研华无风扇工控机,松下加固笔记本全系列,GETAC加固笔记本,Gcreat工控机全系列,Gcreat嵌入式无风扇工控机,Gcreat平板电脑,Gcreat一体化工作站,Gcreat工业显示器。 



8-ch Digital Input IoT Wireless I/O Module with RS-485 Port

  • 8-ch digital input with 1-port RS-485 for Modbus devices
  • 2.4GHz Wi-Fi reducing the wiring cost during big data acquisition
  • Easily extend the existing network by adding APs, and share existing Ethernet software
  • Configured by devices directly without installing any software or Apps
  • Zero data loss using the log function with RTC time stamp
  • Data can be automatically pushed to Dropbox or computer
  • Supports RESTful web API in JSON format for IoT integration


The WISE-4000 series is an Ethernet-based wireless IoT device, integrated with IoT data acquisition, processing, and publishing functions. As well as various I/O types, the WISE-4000 series provides data pre-scaling, data logic, and data logger functions. These data can be accessed via devices and be published to the cloud with security at anytime and anywhere.

上一篇: 晶创越世 研华远程I/O模块WISE-4012 下一篇: 晶创越世 全加固式笔记本电脑GETAC X500
