



时间:2012-07-09      阅读:829

1、 可程式恒温恒湿箱(整机耐湿热、高温老化、冷温储存试验)-70~+150℃,20~98%RH  Programmable temperature and humidity box (machine and heat resistance, high temperature aging, cold storage test ) of -70~+150 ℃,20~98%RH

2、 冷热冲击试验箱(用于产品研发,整机、电路板及电子元件筛选)低温-70℃高温150℃
Thermal shock test chamber ( used for product R & D, machine, circuit board and electronic component screening) temperature -70 ℃temperature 150℃                                                               

3、 静电放电发生器(用于产品研发,电路板上电子元件在储运、装配及较为干燥环境使用
时,可能因静电导致损坏)静电电压20KV (正、负)                                                                               Electrostatic discharge generator ( used in product development, circuit board electronic components in storage and transportation, assembly and relatively dry environment, may be due to static electricity damage ) electrostatic voltage 20KV (positive, negative )                                            

4、 盐雾试验箱(用于模拟手机真实使用情况耐汗、潮湿及含盐环境)                                                       Salt spray test ( used for the simulation of phone true usage sweat resistance, moisture and salt environment )                                                                                                                                                      

5、 紫外灯(UV)试验箱(用于模拟手机曝晒环境,手机放在烈日下的汽车里、效外、沙滩
Ultraviolet light ( UV ) test box ( used for the simulation of phone exposure environment, phone is placed under the hot sun, beach car outside, use case )                                           

6、 砂尘试验箱(用于模拟手机在沙漠地带、多沙、多尘等恶劣环境在使用情况)                                 Sand and dust test chamber used for the simulation of phone in the desert, sand, dust and other harsh environment in use                                                                                                           

7、 落球冲击试验机(用于手机外壳涂料及壳体抗冲击测试) 钢球重量100、200、300、
500、1000、2000g 冲击高度200~2000mm
Falling ball impact test machine for phone shell coating and shell shock test weight of 100,200,300balls,500,1000,2000g impact height200~2000mm                                                                 

8、 电动振动试验(用于产品研发,模拟产品在运输过程中的振动环境,提前发现产品设计及
装配过程存在的缺陷)频率5000Hz 位移25mm电脑控制
Electric vibration test for product development, simulation products in the transport process of vibration environment, the early discovery of the product design and assembly process defects frequency 5000Hz displacement 25mm computer control

9、 纸带耐磨试验机(用于手机表面喷涂耐磨性能测试)介质3M纸带 荷重275、175、55g            Tape wear-resistant test machine for phone surface coating wear resistance test medium 3M tape load 275,175,55g

皮擦荷重80~1000克                                                                                                                                         Printed abrasion test machine for phone surface coating wear, scratch performance test medium alcohol cotton, pencil, eraser load80~1000 G

11、按键寿命测试机(用于手机键盘之疲劳测试)荷重80克~500克                                                              Key life test machine for phone keyboard of fatigue test load 80grams ~500 grams

速率5~60次                                                                                                                                                         Clamshell phone life testing machine for phone rotating shaft and the upper and lower cover connected component open-closed reliability test) angle rate of 5~18005~60

钢板跌落高度200~2000mm                                                                                                                               phone drop test machine used for the simulation of phone in the use environment falls down the real situation medium cement floor, acrylic board, steel drop height200~2000mm

缓慢施压、突然施压两种方式选择                                                                                                                        phone compressive testing machine used for the simulation of phone shell, LCD in use by extruding the real situation digital pressure display, slow pressure, sudden pressure two ways to choose

上一篇:环境试验设备国内哪家? 下一篇:可靠性技术的重要性
