


北尔电子新产品发布:定位于IoT 网关的 BoX 2产品系列

时间:2017-12-30      阅读:1734

Clever connectivity. Added smart functions. These are the guiding stars behind the latest product release from Beijer Electronics, the BoX2 series.

快速连接。增加智能功能。这就是北尔电子发布的新产品 BoX 2 的亮点


BoX2 is a series of IoT gateways offering clever connectivity and smart functions enabling customers to:

BoX 2 系列产品是一款具备连接和智能功能的IoT 网关产品,可以帮助客户实现以下功能:

  • Share data between machines to optimize operations.


  • Create IoT and cloud solutions to provide the data needed for analysis.


Present data on devices via HTML5 screens and dashboards. •通过HTML5技术实现移动设备数据访问可视化









  • Perform integrated local CODESYS control.
  • Add smart functions to boost solutions.

BoX2 is available in base, pro and extreme versions designed for industrial environments with high temperature, moisture and vibration.






IoT and cloud connectivity is a still growing requirement from machine builders and facility managers to store and access business-critical data in the cloud for analytics, business inligence and optimization of processes. The new BoX2 series is Beijer Electronics answer to this.

随着设备制造商和设备管理者对IoT和云端连接需求的快速增长,即把关键数据存储到云端,通过云端访问、分析数据,从而优化流程和实现智能商务。BoX2 系列新产品正是为满足这种需求而来。


BoX2 is a series of IoT gateways offering clever connectivity and the possibility to add optional smart functions. BoX2 series gateways enable customers to create high-technological modern solutions for essential application requirements in the industry:

BoX 2 系列产品是一款连接和具有智能功能的IoT 网关产品。BoX 2 的网关可以为客户创建高技术的现代解决方案,满足行业应用中的基本需求。

  • Share data between machines to optimize operations.


BoX2 can make machines communicate effectively together. Old and new ones. One machine with another. In complex setups with more machines communicating together. Routing key data and utilizing BoX2’s extensive offer of communication drivers to all major brands of controllers on the market. Exchanging data with the overlying systems in your facility to bring production up to speed and optimize operations.

Box 2 可以实现不同机器之间的有效通讯,旧机器和新机器之间的、一台机器和其它机器的, 多台机器之间。BoX2 可以和市场上所有主流品牌的控制器实现通讯。与不同设备交换数据从而提高生产效率和优化操作流程。

  • Create IoT and cloud solutions to provide data for analysis
  • 创建IoT和云解决方案,提供分析所需的数据
  • BoX2 can provide the data needed for analysis, when you have an installed base of machines in your facility and want to optimize up-time and overall efficiency. Via communication drivers to all major brands of controllers on the market, BoX2 can access the data hidden in machine controllers and transfer them through secure IoT connections to the cloud. Add smart software functions to further refine and structure the data, ready to be turned into insights.
  • 如果在你的设备系统中已安装了BoX2,当你希望优化、提高机器的整体工作效率时, BoX2就可以提供分析所需的数据。通过和市场上所有主流的控制器之间的通讯,BoX2可以访问隐藏在机器控制器中的数据,并且把数据经安全可靠的IoT传输到云端。再通过添加智能软件功能,可进一步细化和构建数据,分析数据从而得到有价值的分析结果。
  • Present data on devices via HTML5 screens and dashboards.
  • 通过HTML5技术实现移动设备数据访问可视化
  • BoX2 is the perfect platform for HMI and dashboard applications on the go. Keeping operators or facility managers updated with status information and vital data from the facility. Presented in clear interactive graphics. On production trends, alarms and upcoming maintenance. So you can take decisions and corrective measures from anywhere within your facility. , agile.
  • Box2是和HMI及移动设备可视化结合应用的平台。BoX2可以让操作人员或设备管理人员及时更新了解状态信息和重要数据,并且以清晰的交互式图形呈现生产趋势,警报和以及诊断信息。从而使你可以在工厂的任何地方,移动的,灵活的做出决策和采取相应的纠正措施。
  • Perform integrated local CODESYS control.
  • 通过CODESYS实现本地集成控制
  • BoX2 enables powerful local logic control. By integrated IEC 61131-3 CODESYS control – the industry leader in PLC and controller programming for basic and advanced applications. Control applications which can be combined with HMI server functions, IIoT and cloud connectivity, and an abundance of additional smart functions. All by one single device.
  • BoX2具备强大的本地逻辑控制能力。通过内置的IEC 61131-3 CODESYS—工业上的PLC编程平台对基本和应用进行编程控制。控制应用程序可以与HMI服务器、IIoT和云端连接相结合,并且提供大量的额外的智能功能。将所有的功能都集成在一个设备里面。
  • Add smart functions to boost solutions.
  • 扩展智能功能提升解决方案
  • Applications can be added additional smart functions such as local data base storage, alarm servers, recipes, reporting, C# scripting, etc. giving you widened opportunities to realize what you want to accomplish in your solutions.
  • 应用程序可以添加额外的智能功能,如本地数据存储、警报服务、配方、报告、c#脚本等,让你有更多的选择来实现你解决方案中预期的目标。

Fast forward engineering


BoX2 is easily configured in WARP Engineering Studio where you interconnect machines and IT systems in the cloud. All within a few clicks, clever and user-friendly. Smart functions are configured via iX software.

BoX2很容易在WARP Engineering Studio中实现配置,通过WARP Engineering Studio,你可以在云端实现连接机器和IT系统。简单连线即可实现设备互联,友好的用户界面。通过iX软件配置实现智能功能。

Industrial grade quality for reliable, secure operation


BoX2 is available in base, pro and extreme versions designed for industrial environments with high temperature, moisture and vibration. BoX2 offers standard industrial certifications and extended classes of marine and hazardous area certifications.

BoX2 有三个版本可选:BoX 2 base 系列,BoX2 Pro系列和BoX2 extreme 系列。其中extreme 系列是针对温度、湿度和高振动性的严苛工业环境的。BoX 2 同时提供标准的工业认证、海事认证和危险环境认证。


When you are looking for clever connectivity in the industrial world, think BoX2.

BoX2 是您工业领域快速连接的。

BoX2 is scheduled for release in start of 2018.


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