The GRAS 43AG Ear and Cheek Simulator represents thesection of a head most important for realistic reproductionof the acoustic properties of the ear of an average humanhead. It allows the use of an ITU-T type 3.3 pinna or anAnthropometric Pinna, either with an IEC 60318-4 EarSimulator, a Low-Noise Ear Simulator system, a HighFrequency Ear Simulator or a Hi-Res Ear Simulator.
The GRAS 43AG Ear and Cheek Simulator is aunique, multi-faceted and multi-purpose tool thathelps you accomplish the job effectively. We call itthe table-top KEMAR as it offers you much of theKEMAR capability in a convenient and portablepackage.Our vision for the 43AG is to assist you in all facetsof the product development cycle: From R&D testingto the final test and approval of the finishedproduct. As your product is put together, your teamneeds to ensure that individual changes do notconflict with your overall vision. Much of thisvalidation work can be accomplished at their desks,in real-time, making you comfortable and giving youthe stamp of approval of the final product.Additionally, very few manufacturers have theirentire production vertically integrated and aretherefore highly dependent on the quality deliveredby their sub-suppliers. To ensure the quality of thecomplete product, GRAS offers a variety of test platforms that can easily be deployed at yoursupplier and in your in-coming control department.The 43AG Ear and Cheek Simulator by GRASprovides that comfort and security: The partscomply with the highest standards: Yours.
Typical applications and use
The 43AG is a multi-purpose tool and can, forexample, be used to verify frequency response,distortion, isolation, and leakage.Its versatility means that it can be used for testingof both concha and insert types earphones. It canalso be used for headphone and headset testing,both circumaural and supra-aural types. Also, allcommon types of hearing aids and telephonehandset can be tested with the 43AG.