产品名称: CBQ58系列防爆软起动器(ⅡB) | | 适用范围Application | | - 1区、2区危场所。
- IIA、IIB类爆竹性气体环境.
- Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2one 2dangerous places.
- Can be used in IIA,IIB group explosive atmosphere.
型号含义Model implication | | 产品特点 Features | | - 外壳采用铸铝合金或钢板焊接而成,表面喷塑.
- 内装本公司或施耐德等公司生产的固态软起动器,采用逐步升压的方法,实现平滑动,5kw以上的防爆软起动器设有半导体制冷装置,并具有测温装置,用户如有需要请与我公司工程技术人员订购.
- 可根据负载特性选用常规起动和重载起动,起动参数可自行设定.
- 符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079标准要求.
- The shell is made of diecasted AI-alloy or welded of steel plates.
- Inside will be installed Our company or Schneider’s solid soft starter,which increase
voltage step by step to flatly start. - It shall select the starting mode from normal bype and heavy-loaded bype according to
load characteristics,starting parameter can be self-set. - Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request.
| | 主要技术参数 Main technical parameters | | 产品型号Type | 电机功率(kw)Motor power | 额定电流(A)Rated current | 防爆标志Ex-mark | 防护等级Protection grade | 引入装置规格(G") Inlet’s pecification | 电缆外径()Cable’s outerdiameter | CBQ58-5 | 5 | 10 | Exd II BT4 | IP54 | 1/4 | 15-23 | CBQ58-15 | 15 | 10-30 | 1/2 | 18-26 | CBQ58-22 | 22 | 29-60 | CBQ58-30 | 30 | 28-75 | 2 | 26-34 | CBQ58-45 | 45 | 60-90 | 2/2 | 30-43 | CBQ58-55 | 55 | 70-110 | CBQ58-75 | 75 | 87.5-145 | 3 | 40-52 | CBQ58-90 | 7590 | 105-175 | | | 外形及安装尺寸 Outlinge and installing dimension | | 型号Type | A | B | C | CBQ58-7.5-55 | 1190 | 550 | 400 | CBQ58-75-90 | 1420 | 650 | 500 | | | | | |