The AN/NK/AK series are analog force gauges with compact size and high accuracy .
They are easy to operate and handy to carry out .Single click on a knob on the device
will convert the movement of the indication needle from the peak force indication
(the needle stands still indicating peak force )to the tracking indication (the needle moves in accordance with change of force ).
As three types of scales are available and each type has measurement capacity
variations, you can choose the most suitable graduation from the range of 10N(1kgf)to500N(50kgf)for your measurement purpose. AK: kilogram scale:
AN Newton scale and NK: Newton and kilogram scale.
一、 机械式拉压力计特点 Characteristics
1.高解析度 (1/200)
2.高精度 (0.5%)
二、机械式拉压力计规格 Specification
型号No. zui大测试范围Max Load zui小刻度Min Load 行程Strok
NK-10 10N 1Kgf 0.05N 5gf 10mm
NK-20 20N 2Kgf 0.1N 10gf 10mm
NK-30 30N 3Kgf 0.2N 20gf 10mm
NK-50 50N 5Kgf 0.25N 25gf 10mm
NK-100 100N 10Kgf 0.5N 50gf 10mm
NK-200 200N 20Kgf 1N 100gf 10mm
NK-300 300N 30Kgf 2N 200gf 10mm
NK-500 500N 50Kgf 2.5N 250gf 10mm