宝德/Burkert 品牌
burkert 00221844 宝德6281EV6281 为伺服辅助式S.EV系列电磁阀。要*打开阀门,需要一个zui小压差。根据不同的应用,可以选择各种膜片材质和工作方式。标准供货的黄铜阀体符合所有欧洲饮用水标准的要求。具有抗脱锌腐蚀黄铜式,适合于其它应用。阀体材质还有不锈钢式。电磁线圈采用耐化学腐蚀的环氧树脂封装。6281 is the servo-assisted S.EV series solenoid valve. To fully open the valve, a minimum differential pressure is required. According to different application, various diaphragm materials and working methods can be selected. The standard supplied brass body meets all European standards of drinking water. It is suitable for other applications. The body is made of stainless steel. The electromagnetic coil is encapsulated by epoxy resin resistant to chemical corrosion.
burkert 00221844 宝德6281EV本型号还有以下常卖的订货号
221606 221609 221602 221605 221630 221633 227533 221728 270903 270899 227539 221753 227541 221757 221622 221625 221638 221641 227537 221736 221654 221657 221662 227535 221706 231574 221694 221695 221762 221765 222122 222125 227550 222143 227557 222159
221871 221873 221844 221846 221850 221852 221856 221858 221871 221873 221877 221879 221898 221897 221898 221900 221904 221906
6518 6519系列:
132457 132460 132465 132468 132469 132472 278195 278201 278209 131425 131428 131421 131424