进口德国nsw电缆nsw同步带nsw滤芯,由于越来越多的需要与接轨,NSW可以有效帮助我们,通信系统电缆,研究电缆,地震海啸预警电缆等等。都可以使用NSW光纤电缆。NSE CABLE可直接应用到海上作业平台或者海底或者高空事业。NSW皮带以其高强度的抗拉性和耐磨性而著名。进口德国nsw电缆nsw同步带nsw滤芯主要应用在木工机械、玻璃、瓷砖包装以及机械运输等领域。
SECAflex® timing belts, as a refinement of the SECA line, have the same basic properties but are specially designed for high-performance power transmission and special conveying applications.
BIO-NET® and SESSIL® set the standards as support media for biomass. As the support material, they are found in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, that are based on the principle of a trickling filter system. BIO-NET® is also used in rotating biological contractors and submerged fixed-bed systems.
NOR-PAC® high performance tower packing material, with its excellent separation properties and its durability, provides a high-quality solution for all gas and ,liquid separation processes, for example in the purification of drinking water.