安徽天康(集团)股份有限公司 :李贻敬
: : 2558004228
二、使用条件Working Condition
1、电缆的导体长期允许zui高工作温度为70℃;Max temperature of cable conductor for Long-term working is 70℃.
2、电缆敷设时zui低环境温度为0℃;Min. environment temperature for installing cableis 0℃.
3、电缆允许弯曲半径:非铠装电缆不小于电缆外径的8倍;铠装型电缆不小于电缆外径的20倍;Bending radium allowed by cable:It will be no less than 8 times that of cable O.D for inarmored cable and 20 times that of cable O.D for ar-mored cable.
4、短路时(zui长持续时间不超过5S),电缆导体的zui高工作温度为160℃; Max. working temperature of cable conductor is 160℃ during short circuit(the longest lasting time shall be no more than 5 seconds).
三、电缆近似外径及载流量Approximate outer diameter and current-loading capacity of cable
By comparing with common power cable of the same specification with PVC insulation and sheath, cable outer diameter is bigger by 2~10mm for cable with cross sec-tion of 95 95mm2 or lower and by 12~20mm for cable with cross section of 120 mm2 or higher. And cable weight generally remains heavier by 4%~10%. About current-loading capacity allowed by soft power cable, you can refer to that of VV series power cable of the same specifi-cation with a drop of 6%~10%.