THF□P Series流量控制器
Measures mass flow rate free of influence from pressure change. 参考价面议THM50C Series流量控制器-〉气体
*Mass flowrate is measured without being influenced by pressure change...... 参考价面议THM50M Series热式质量流量计
Mass flowrate is measured without being influenced by pressure change....... 参考价面议FM-PX25浮子式质量流量计
Alarm switch can be installedWidely ranging flow to correspondCorresponding to highly accurate flowmeter 参考价面议FM-NF浮子式质量流量计
From a small amount of flow up to that of a large amount standardized.*Corrosion resisting type for use in general industry. 参考价面议FF-MO翼式(转轮)
*Hall element pulse counting type.*LED level meter indication.*Comparator output incorporated.*analog output enables us automatic control 参考价面议FC-SD浮子式
Excellent in durability.*NOristriction on floe direction.*Alarm switch can be installed to all types.*Excellent in pressure/hent resistance. 参考价面议BY-OM浮子式质量流量计
Ranging from middie amount of flow to a large one in series.*Excellent in durability.*Part of indicator can be maintained without removing meter boy from piping due to flow dividing structure. 参考价面议FC-SE-903流量开关
Structurally simplified and excellent in durability.*NO restriction on flow dirdction.*Offers at low price and a short lead time delivery.*Flow direction top to bottom is conditionally made 参考价面议CF-LF压力开关
压力开关 参考价面议F-LF过滤器
特点Features:可目视脏污状态。*Visible contamination可简单地安装在管路中间。*Easily installed on way of pipe line 参考价面议VSF2005药液-〉超声波
量计-〉药液-〉超声波 参考价面议