


est-121 的液体增塑剂体积电阻率测试仪



本仪器既可测量超高电阻,又可测极微弱电流。采用了大规模集成电路以及的技 术,使仪器体积小、重量轻、准确度高。





1  电阻测量范围 1×104Ω~1×1018Ω;
2  电流测量范围 2×10-4A~1×10-16A;
3 体积小、重量轻、准确度高;
4  *的被测电阻、和流过电阻的电流双显示,使操作测量更加方便;
5  性能稳定、读数方便;
6  既能测电阻又能测电流;
7  测试电压有六种选择之多DC10V、50V、100V、250V、500V、1000V;
8  使用操作简便,在任何电阻量程和测试电压下均直接读显示数字结果,

二1.   电阻测量范围: 1×104Ω ~1×1018Ω,分为十个量程。
2.   电流测量范围为2×10-4A ~1×10-16A
3.  全数字液晶屏显示。
4.  准确度: 准确度优于下表:
量程 有效显示范围 20~30℃ RH<80%
104 0.01~19.99 1%
105 0.01~19.99 1%
106 0.01~19.99 1%
107 0.01~19.99 1%
108 0.01~19.99 1%
109 0.01~19.99 1%
1010 0.01~19.99 5%+2字
1011 0.01~19.99 5%+2字
1012 0.01~19.99 5%+5字
1013 0.01~19.99 10%+5字
1014 0.01~19.99 10%+5字
1014以上 0.01~19.99 10-15%+5字
( 超出有效显示范围时误差有可能增加)
测试电压准确度为 10%
5. 使用环境: 温度 -10℃~50℃ 相对湿度<90%。
6. 测试电压: DC10V、50V、100V、250V、500V、1000V。±10%
7. 供电形式: AC 220V,50HZ,功耗约10W。
8. 仪器尺寸: 300mm× 280mm× 150 mm。
9. 质量: 约3.0KG。







GB/T 1410-2006 固体绝缘材料 体积电阻率和表面电阻率试验方法
GB 12014 防静电工作服
GB/T 20991-2007 个体防护装备 鞋的测试方法
GB 4385-1995 防静电鞋、导电鞋技术要求
GB 12158-2006 防止静电事故通用导则
GB 4655-2003 橡胶工业静电安全规程
GB/T 12703.4-2010 纺织品 静电性能的评定 第4部分 电阻率
GB/T 12703.6-2010 纺织品 静电性能的评定 第6部分 纤维泄漏电阻
GB 13348-2009 液体石油产品静电安全规程
GB/T 15738-2008 导电和抗静电纤维增强塑料电阻率试验方法
GB/T 18044-2008 地毯 静电习性评价法 行走试验
GB/T 18864-2002 硫化橡胶 工业用抗静电和导电产品 电阻极限范围
GB/T 22042-2008 服装 防静电性能 表面电阻率试验方法
GB/T 22043-2008 服装 防静电性能 通过材料的电阻(垂直电阻)试验方法
GB/T 24249-2009 防静电洁净织物
GB 26539-2011 防静电陶瓷砖 Antistatic ceramic tiles
GB/T 26825-2011 抗静电防腐胶
GB 50515-2010 导(防)静电地面设计规范
GB 50611-2010 电子工程防静电设计规范
GJB 105-1998-Z 电子产品防静电放电控制手册
GJB 3007A-2009 防静电工作区技术要求
GJB 5104-2004 无线电引信风帽用防静电涂料及风帽静电性能通用要求


 本仪器既可测量超高电阻,又可测极微弱电流。采用了大规模集成电路以及的技 术,使仪器体积小、重量轻、准确度高。以数字液晶显示电阻并同时 直接显示流过被测电阻的电流。电阻量限从1×104Ω~1×1018Ω, 电流测量范围 为2×10-4A~1×10-16A。机内测试电压为DC10V、50V、100V、250V、500V、1000V。本仪器具有精度高、显示迅速、性好稳定、读数方便, 适用于防静电产品如防静电鞋、防静电塑料橡胶制品、计算机房防静电活动地板等电阻值的检验以及绝缘材料和电子电器产品的绝缘电阻测量。本仪器除能测电阻外,还能直接测量电流如电子器件暗电流等。


1) 绝缘电阻:施加在与试样相接触的二电极之间的直流电压除以通过两电极的总电流所得的商。它取决于体积电阻和表面电阻。
2) 体积电阻:在试样的相对两表面上放置的两电极间所加直流电压与流过两个电极之间的稳态电流之商;该电流不包括沿材料表面的电流。在两电极间可能形成的极化忽略不计。
3) 体积电阻率:绝缘材料里面的直流电场强度与稳态电流密度之商,即单位体积内的体积电阻。
4) 表面电阻:在试样的某一表面上两电极间所加电压与经过一定时间后流过两电极间的电流之商;该电流主要为流过试样表层的电流,也包括一部分流过试样体积的电流成分。在两电极间可能形成的极化忽略不计。



1、 应在“Rx”两端开路时调零  如接在电阻箱或被测量物体上时调零后测量会产生很大的误差。一般一次调零后在测试过程中不需再调零,但改变测量电压后可能要重新调零。 
2、 禁止将“Rx”两端短路,以免微电流放大器受大电流冲击 
3、 在测试过程中不要随意改动测量电压,  随意改动测量电压可能因电压的过高或电流过大损坏被测试器件或测试仪器,而且有的材料是非线性的,即电压与电流是不符合欧姆定律,有改变电压时由于电流不是线性变化,所以测量的电阻也会变化。
4、 测量时从低次档逐渐拔往高次档  每拨一次稍停留1~2秒以便观察显示数字,当有显示值时应停下,记录当前的数字即是被测电阻值。若显示“1”时,表示欠量程应往高次档拔。直到有显示数字时为止。当有显示数字时不能再往高次档拨,否则有可能损坏仪器(机内有过电流保护电路)。除104 Ω档之外,当显示低于1.99,表示过量程应换低档!
5、 大部分绝缘材料,特别是防静电材料的电阻值在加电压后会有一定变化而引起数字变化  由于本仪器的分辩率很高,因而会引起显示值的末尾几位数也变化,这不是仪器本身的问题,而是被测量对象的导电机理复杂而使得阻值有些变化。在这种情况下往往取2位有效数就够了。 
6 、接通电源后,手指不能触及高压线的金属部分  本仪表有二连根线:高压线(红)和微电流测试线。在使用时要注意高压线,开机后人不能触及高压线,以免电人或麻手。
7 、测试过程中不能触摸微电流测试端  微电流测试端zui怕受到大电流或人体感应电压及静电的冲击。所以在开机后和测试过程中不能与微电流测试端接触,以免损坏仪表。 
8、 在测量高阻时,应采用屏蔽盒将被测物体屏蔽.  在测量大于1010 Ω以上时,为防止外界干扰面而引起读数不稳。
9、 每次测量完时应将量程开关拨回“104 ”档再进行下次测试  在测量时应逐渐将量程开关拨到高阻档,测量完时应将量程开关拨回低档。以确保下次开机时量程开关处在低阻量程档。





1 。为什么在测量同一物体时用不同的电阻量程有不同的读 数?
这是因为测量电阻时为防止过电压损坏仪器,如果出现过量程时仪器内保护电路 开始工作,将测试电压降下来以保护机内放大器。在不同的电压下测量同一物体会 有不同的结果。而且当测量电阻时若读数小于199,既只为三位数且*位数为1 时,其准确度要下降。所以在测量电阻时当*次读数从1 变为某一读数时,不应 再往更高的量程扭开关以防对仪器造成过大的电流冲击。在实际使用时,即读数位 数多的比读数位数少的准确度高。

2 .为什么测量一些物体的电流时用不同的量程也会出现测出结 果相差较大?
这是因为一般物体输出的电流不是恒定流,而仪器有一定内阻,若在仪器上所选 量程的内阻过大以至于在仪器上的电压降影响被测物体的输出电流时会造成测量误差。一般电流越小的量程内阻越高,所以在测量电流时应选用电流大的量程。在实 际使用时即只要电流表有读数时,读数位数少的小的比读数位数多的准确度高。

一般的材料其导电性不是严格像标准电阻样在一定的电压下有很稳定的电流,有 很多材料特别是防静电材料其导电性不符合欧姆定律,所以在测量时其读数不稳。 这不是仪器的问题,而是被测量物体的性能决定的。有的标准规定以测量1分钟时间 的读数为准。通常在测量高电阻或微电流时测量准确度因重复性不好,对测量读数 只要求2位或3位。另外在测量大电阻时如果屏蔽不好也会因外界的电磁信号对仪器 测量结果造成读数不稳。

4.   这是因为在测量时被测物体及仪器输入端都有一定的电容,这个电容在测量时已 被充电到测量电阻时的电压值,如果仪器不拨到104挡后关电源这个充电后的电容器 会对仪器内的放大器放电而造成仪器损坏。当被测量物体电容越大,测试电压越高 时,电容器所储藏的电能越大,更容易损坏仪器,特别是在电阻的高量程或电流的 低量程时因仪器非常灵敏,仪器过载而损坏的可能性更大。所以一定要将量程开关 再拨到104挡后才能关电源。

5。 为什么在测量电阻过程中不要改变对被测物的测试电 压?
在测量电阻过程中如果改变对被测物的测试电压,无论电压变高或变低时都将 会产生大脉冲电流,这个大的电流很有可能使仪器过量程甚至更损坏仪器。另一方 面如果电压突然变化也会通过被测量物体的(分布)电容放电或反向放电对测量仪 器造成冲击而损坏仪器。有的物体的耐压较低,当您改变测量电压时有右能击穿而 产生大电流损坏仪器。如果要改变测量电压,在确保被测量物体不会因电压过高击 穿时,要先将量程开关拨到104档后关闭电源,再从仪器后面板调整到所要求的电 压。有的材料是非线性的,即电压与电流是不符合欧姆定律,有改变电压时由于电流不是线性变化,所以测量的电阻也会变化。

6 。为什么测量完毕要将量程开关再拨到 104 档后关闭电源?
这是因为机内的电容器充有很高的电压(zui高电压达1200V以上),这些电容器的 所带的电能保持较长的时间,如果关闭电源开关,则会将机内的高压电容器很快放 电,不会在测量的高压端留有很危险的电压造成电击。如果仅拨电源线而不是关电 源开头,虽然断了电源,但机内高压电容器还有会因长时间保持很高的电压,将会 对人员或其它物体造成电击或损坏。在仪器有问题时也不要随便打开机箱因机内高压造成电击,要将仪器找专业技术人员或寄回厂家修理。


a    材料高阻测试测量如防静电产品(防静电鞋、防静电塑料橡胶制品、计 算机房防静电活动地板等)电阻值的检测;
b    材料体积电阻(率)和表面电阻(率)测量;
c    电化学和材料测试,以及物理,光学和材料研究;
d    微弱电流测量如光电效应和器件暗电流测量。






电阻率较低的物质被称为导体,常见导体主要为金属,而自然界中导电性*的是银,其次为半导体,、硅锗。当存在外电场时,金属的自由电子在运动中不断和晶格节点上做热振子的正离子相碰撞,使电子运动受到阻碍,因而就具有了一定的电阻。其他不易导电的物质如玻璃、橡胶等,电阻率较高,一般称为绝缘体。介于导体和绝缘体之间的物质(如硅) 则称半导体。电阻率的科学符号为 ρ(Rho)。 已知物体的电阻,可由电阻率ρ、长度 l 与截面面积A 计算:ρ=RA/I,在该式中, 电阻R 单位为欧姆,长度 l 单位为米,截面面积 A 单位为平方米,电阻率 ρ单位为



(E,J 可以为矢量)


2.由于电阻率随温度改变而改变,所以对于某些电器的电阻,必须说明它们所处的物理状态。如一个220 V -100 W电灯灯丝的电阻,通电时是484欧姆,未通电时只有40欧姆左右。










1、设备保修一年,终身服务,一年内非人为损坏的零部件免费更换,保修期内接到用户邀请后, zui迟响应时间为2小时内,在与用户确认故障后,我公司会在48小时内派工程师到达现场进行

免费服务,尽快查清故障所在位置和故障原因,并向用户及时报告故障的原因和排除办法 。




Factory direct sales volume resistivity Surface resistivity tester (three electrode method)

Model: BEST-121

First, the volume resistivity Surface resistivity tester Features
 The instrument can measure high resistance, can be measured very weak currents. Using the LSI and the latest patented technology, equipment, small size, light weight, high accuracy. Digital LCD display resistance while direct current flowing through the measured resistance.

Resistance limit from 1 × 104Ω ~ 1 × 1018Ω, the current measuring range of 2 × 10-4A ~ 1 × 10-16A. In test voltage is DC10V, 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V. This instrument has high precision, showing rapid, good stability, reading

Convenient for static, such as anti-static shoes, anti-static plastics and rubber products, anti-static raised floor computer room and other resistance testing and insulation materials and electrical and electronic products, insulation resistance measurement. In addition to the instrument can measure resistance, but also can directly measure the electrical

Streams such as electronic devices dark current.


Second, the volume resistivity Surface resistivity tester measure
A resistance measurement range of 1 × 104Ω ~ 1 × 1018Ω;
2 current measurement range 2 × 10-4A ~ 1 × 10-16A;
3, small size, light weight, high accuracy;
4 unique measured resistance, and the current flowing through the resistor dual display makes the operation more convenient measurement;
5 stable performance, easy reading;
6 can measure both current sensing resistor;
7 There are six options as much as test voltage DC10V, 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V;
8 Use the easy to operate, at any resistance range and test voltages are read directly show numerical results
Eliminates the trouble to be multiplied by a coefficient, high resistance of the measurement as measured with a multimeter ordinary electric
Resistance like simple.


Third, the main criteria for:
GB / T 1410-2006 volume resistivity of insulating materials and surface resistivity test methods
GB 12014 Antistatic overalls
GB / T 20991-2007 Personal protective equipment - Test methods for footwear
GB 4385-1995 anti-static shoes, conductive shoes technical requirements
GB 12158-2006 General Guidelines for preventing electrostatic accidents
GB 4655-2003 Safety regulations for electrostatic rubber industry
GB / T 12703.4-2010 Textiles electrostatic properties - Part 4 resistivity
GB / T 12703.6-2010 Textiles electrostatic properties - Part 6 fiber leakage resistance
GB 13348-2009 safety rules electrostatic liquid petroleum products
GB / T 15738-2008 conductive and antistatic fiber reinforced plastics resistivity test methods
GB / T 18044-2008 carpet electrostatic habits evaluation walking test
GB / T 18864-2002 vulcanized rubber products for industrial use antistatic and conductive resistance limits
GB / T 22042-2008 clothing antistatic properties of the surface resistivity test methods
GB / T 22043-2008 clothing antistatic properties resistance through a material (vertical resistance) test method
GB / T 24249-2009 anti-static clean fabric
GB 26539-2011 Antistatic Antistatic ceramic tiles ceramic tiles
GB / T 26825-2011 antistatic anticorrosive plastic
GB 50515-2010 guide (anti)-static floor design specifications
GB 50611-2010 antistatic electronic engineering design specifications
GJB 105-1998-Z electronic products against electrostatic discharge control manual
GJB 3007A-2009 anti-static work area technical requirements
GJB 5104-2004 Radio Fuze hood hood with anti-static coating and electrostatic properties General requirements


Fourth, the volume resistivity Surface resistivity tester technical indicators
1 resistance measurement range: 1 × 104Ω ~ 1 × 1018Ω, divided into ten range.
2 current measurement range of 2 × 10-4A ~ 1 × 10-16A
3 all-digital LCD display.
4 Accuracy: Accuracy is better than the following table:
Effective Range Display range 20 ~ 30 ℃ RH <80%
104 0.01 19.99 1%
105 0.01 19.99 1%
106 0.01 19.99 1%
107 0.01 19.99 1%
108 0.01 19.99 1%
109 0.01 19.99 1%
1010 from 0.01 to 19.99 5% +2 digits
1011 from 0.01 to 19.99 5% +2 digits
1012 from 0.01 to 19.99 5% +5 d
1013 0.01 19.99 10% +5 d
1014 0.01 19.99 10% +5 d
1014 above 0.01 ~ 19.99 10-15% +5 word
(Outside the valid display range errors are likely to increase)
Test current the same accuracy and resistance)
Test voltage accuracy is 10%
5 Use environment: Temperature -10 ℃ ~ 50 ℃ Relative humidity <90%.
6 Test voltage: DC10V, 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V. ± 10%
7-powered forms: AC 220V, 50HZ, power consumption of about 10W.
8 Instrument Size: 300mm × 280mm × 150 mm.
9 Weight: about 3.0KG.



Five, terminology
1) Insulation resistance: is applied to the sample in contact with the second electrode of the DC voltage is divided between the two electrodes by the quotient of the total current. It depends on the volume resistivity and surface resistivity.
2) Volume resistance: the sample is placed on two opposite surfaces of two electrodes a DC voltage applied between the two electrodes and the flow through the quotient between the steady-state current; the current does not include current along the surface of the material. Be formed between the two electrodes is negligible polarization.
3) Volume Resistivity: insulation material inside the electric field intensity of the steady state current density, that is the volume resistance per unit volume.
4) Surface resistance: a surface of the specimen of the applied voltage between the electrodes after a certain time and the flow of current between two electrodes of the quotient; the current flowing through the primary current of the sample surface, but also part of the flow through the sample volume of the current component. Between the two electrodes

Possible formation of polarization is negligible.
Surface Resistivity: The surface layer of the insulating material of the electric field strength of the current density and the line, that is the surface resistance per unit area.


Six, measurement technology
a. Typically, the insulating material for electrical insulation between the various parts of the system and the insulation, the solid insulation material also acts as a mechanical support function. Material is generally desirable to have as high insulation resistance, and has suitable mechanical, chemical and heat resistance.

b. insulating materials generally have a high resistivity, the conduction current is very small. If you pay attention to the interference of external factors and the leakage current, the measurement results will change a lot of errors. While the insulating material itself and the environmental conditions change absorbency measurement results

Fruit also have a great impact.

c. impact test volume resistivity and surface resistivity of the main factors are temperature and humidity, electric field strength, so the charging time and the residual charge. Volume resistivity of the insulating material can be used as a parameter selected, the resistivity changes with temperature and humidity changes significantly. Body

Measurement of volume resistivity is often used to check the insulation material is uniform, or to detect but which can affect the quality of the materials can not be detected by other means to conductive impurities.

d. because the volume resistivity is more or less always included in the test to the surface resistance, thus only approximate measure surface resistance measured surface resistance value can represent the test sample is the degree of surface contamination. Therefore, the surface resistivity of the material itself is not a Characterization

Characteristic parameters, but a characteristic of the material parameters of surface contamination. When the surface resistance is high, it is often time changes in an irregular manner. Measuring the surface resistance is usually specified time of 1min electrification.


(1) Temperature and humidity: solid insulating materials insulation resistance increases with temperature and humidity is reduced, in particular the volume resistivity change with temperature change is very large. Thus, porcelain material not only to determine the volume resistivity at room temperature, but also measuring temperature

The volume resistivity, in order to assess the quality of the insulation properties. Large conductivity of the water, as humidity increases, the surface resistivity and has open porosity volume resistivity of the electrical ceramic materials drastically. Therefore, the determination should be strictly in accordance with the provisions of sample handling requirements

And tested environmental conditions.
(2) electric field intensity: When the electric field intensity is relatively high, the mobility of ions increases with increasing electric field strength, and also close to breakdown a large number of electron mobility, the volume resistivity greatly reduced time. Therefore, the measurement time, the applied voltage should not exceed

Predetermined value.
(3) the residual charge: the sample processing and testing process, it may generate static electricity, the higher the resistance the more prone to static electricity, affect the measurement accuracy. Thus, in the measurement, the sample to compley discharge, several electrodes can be short-circuited together.
(4) the elimination of stray electric potential: the insulation resistance measuring circuit, there may be some stray electric potential, such as thermoelectric power, electrolysis potential, exposure potential, of which the greatest impact on the potential for the electrolysis. With high resistance meter to measure the surface moist sample volume resistance when measuring

Protected poles between pole and can produce 20mv potential. Before the test should be checked for stray electric potential. According to the sample before and after pressurization of the secondary impedance meter indicates whether the same to determine whether stray electric potential. If the same proven spurious electrical potential; otherwise should look for troubleshooting and miscellaneous

Scattered potential causes can be measured.
(5) to prevent leakage current: For high resistive material can be removed only by taking protection technology leakage current measurement. Protection technology that is caused by measurement errors in the placement of protective conductor leakage path, stopped may cause measurement errors stray current,

So that does not flow through the measuring circuit or meter. Protective conductor connected together to form the protected side, usually protected grounded. Measure the volume resistance, protection of highly three-electrode system is to protect the conductors. This requires the guard electrode and measuring the surface resistance between the electrodes is higher than the sample

A resistor element connected in parallel with it 10 to 100 times. Line connected, you should first check whether there leakage. At this point disconnect power lines connected with the specimen plus voltage. If the measurement sensitivity range, the measuring instrument indicates the resistance value is infinite, then the line leak

Power, can be measured.
(6) conditional processing requirements and test conditions: the resistance of solid insulating materials with temperature and humidity increases. Sample pretreatment conditions depend on the material being tested, these conditions in the material specification. Recommended GB10580 "solid insulating materials under test

Test before and the use of standard test conditions "specified in the pretreatment method. Using glycerol - water pretreatment humidity chamber for humidity. Test conditions shall be as consistent as possible with the pretreatment conditions, in some cases (such as flooding treatment) can not maintain the pretreatment conditions and measurement

Consistent test conditions should be removed from the pretreatment environment after completion of the test in the shortest possible time, usually no more than 5 minutes.
(7) The electrification time requirements: If the DC voltage is applied to the sample in contact with two electrodes, the current through the sample to be exponential decay to a stable value. Decrease in current over time may be due to dielectric polarization and the movable electrode due to ion displacement. For

Volume resistivity of the material is less than 1010Ω · m, the steady state is usually reached within 1 minute. Therefore, the time to go through this after electrochemical measurement resistor. For higher resistivity material, current decreases in the process may last for minutes, hours, days, due to

This requires a longer period of time electricity. If desired, the volume resistivity can be used to describe the relationship and the time characteristics of the material. When the surface resistance is high, it is often time changes in an irregular manner. Measurement of surface resistance are generally required one minute electrification time



Seven, volume resistivity Surface resistivity tester Caution:
 Impedance measurement method must be used in strict accordance with Buju, otherwise it may cause permanent damage to the instrument or electrical people.
One should "Rx" zeroing when open at both ends connected to the resistor box or as measuring object when measured after zero will produce large errors. After zeroing in general once the test process without re-zero, but after changing the measurement voltage may have to re-zero.
2, prohibits the "Rx" short ends to avoid micro-current amplifier by the high current impulse
3, in the testing process should not arbitrarily change measure voltage, measure the voltage may be altered arbitrarily high voltage or current is too large damage the device under test or the test instruments, and some material is non-linear, ie, voltage and current is not consistent with Ohm law has changed

Alternating voltage is not linear due to the current change, so the measured resistance will change.
4, measured from the low-order profile and gradually pull toward a higher profile slightly reversed stay every 1 to 2 seconds to observe the display numbers, should be stopped when the displayed value, the current number of records that is, the measured resistance values. If "1", it indicates Underrange pull files should go higher. Until there was

Figures shown so far. When a show can not go down to the higher number allocated file, otherwise it may damage the instrument (the machine has over-current protection circuit). In addition to 104 Ω stalls outside, when the display is less than 1.99, which means that over range should downshift!
5, most insulating materials, in particular anti-static material resistance value after the voltage there will be a number of changes caused by changes in the high resolution of the instrument, which will cause the end of the displayed value is changed by several orders, which not the instrument itself, but

Conductive object being measured is complex mechanism and makes some changes in resistance. In this case, the effective number often take two suffice.
6, after power, fingers can not touch the metal part of the high-voltage instrument has two roots line: high voltage (red) and micro-current test line. When used to pay attention to high-voltage lines, high voltage power future generations can not be touched in order to avoid electrical or hemp hand.
7, the test process can not touch the micro-micro-current test current test side by side fear or human induced voltage high current and electrostatic shocks. So in the boot and test process can not end in contact with the micro-current testing, in order to avoid damage to the instrument.
8, in the measurement of impedance should be used when the object to be measured shield shield box. In the measurement is greater than 1010 Ω or more, in order to prevent interference caused by reading unstable surface.
9, should be completed for each measurement range switch back to "104" file then the next test in the measuring range should gradually switch to high resistance range, the measurement range switch complete reversal should be low. To ensure that the next time you turn the range switch in the low resistance range file.


Body generally can bring thousands or even tens of thousands of volts electrostatic!


Eight, impedance measurement FAQs

1. Why is measuring the same object with different resistance ranges have different readings?
This is because the measurement of resistance in order to prevent over-voltage damage to the instrument, if there is over-range protection circuit inside the instrument to work, will test the voltage down to protect the inside amplifier. Measured at different voltages of the same object will have different results. And when measuring

If the resistance reading is less than 199, it is necessary only for the three-digit number and the first digit is 1, the accuracy to decline. Therefore, when measuring resistance when first reading becomes a reading from one, it should not go down to the higher range of the instrument caused by twisting the switch to prevent excessive current impulse

Blow. In actual use, the reading than the median number of bits less than the reading accuracy.

2. Why are some objects when the current measurement with different ranges measured results will appear larger difference?
This is because the general object is not a constant current output stream, and the instrument has a certain resistance, when the selected range on the instrument so that the resistance is too large voltage drop on the effect on the instrument when the output current of the measured object may cause measurement errors. Generally the smaller the current measuring range

The higher the resistance, so the current should be used in the measurement of large current range. In actual use, as long as a meter reading, the reading of the small number of bits less than the number of bits more accurate readings.

3. Why the measurement instrument reading is always unstable?
Generally the electric conductivity of the material is not critical as a standard sample in a certain voltage resistance are very stable under the current, there are many materials, especially anti-static material which does not comply with Ohm's law conductivity, so the readings instability in the measurement. This is not a problem of the instrument, but is

Measuring the performance of object decisions. Some standard requirements to measure 1 minute readings shall prevail. Usually in the measurement of high resistance or micro-current measurement accuracy because of the poor reproducibility of the measurement reading only require 2 or 3. Also in measuring large resistances if the shield is not

Good also due to external electromagnetic signal measuring instrument readings resulting instability.

4 This is because when the measured object and the measuring instrument has a certain input capacitance of this capacitor has been charged in the measurement to the measuring resistor the voltage value if the instrument does not turn off the power after the block 104 to position the charged The capacitor will instrument amplifier

Discharge caused by damage to the instrument. When the object being measured capacitance increases, the test voltage is higher, the greater the energy storage capacitors, more prone to damage the instrument, particularly in the high resistance range or low range when the current is very sensitive because of the instrument, the instrument overload damage

More likely. So be sure to dial to 104 gear range switch off the power before.

5. Why not change during the measuring resistance on the analyte test voltage?
If in the process of measuring the resistance to change on the analyte test voltage, regardless of the voltage becomes high or low when they will produce a large pulse current, the large current is likely to make the instrument over range or even damage the instrument. Other hand, if the sudden change in voltage will be through

The measured object (distribution) or reverse discharge capacitor discharge impact on the measurement instrument and damage equipment. Some objects of the pressure is low, when you have the right to change the voltage measurements can penetrate and produce high currents damage the instrument. If you want to change the measurement voltage, ensure that

Measuring object will not breakdown voltage is too high, the first switch 104 stalls will range after the power is turned off again from the instrument panel to adjust to the required voltage. Some materials are non-linear, voltage and current that is incompatible with the Ohm's law, the voltage is changed due to

Current change is not linear, so the measured resistance will change.

6. Why do you want to measure the complete range switch dial to 104 files after power off?
This is because the machine capacitor charged with a high voltage (maximum voltage of 1200V or more), the power carried by these capacitors maintain a longer period of time, if you turn off the power switch, it will be quickly inside the high-voltage capacitor discharge , and not in the high-pressure side measuring

Leaving very dangerous voltages cause electrical shock. If only the dial instead of the power cord off the power at the beginning, although off the power supply, but also inside the machine due to prolonged high-voltage capacitors maintain high voltage, will be on staff or other objects cause electric shock or damage. The instrument in question

Do not open the case when the machine due to the high
Pressure cause an electric shock, the instrument is to find a professional technician or return to factory repair.


Nine, volume resistivity Surface resistivity tester main applications
impedance test measures a material such as Static (anti-static shoes, anti-static plastics and rubber products, anti-static floor computer room, etc.) resistance testing;
b Material Volume resistivity (rate) and surface resistivity (rate) measurements;
c electrochemistry and materials testing, as well as physics, optics and materials research;
d weak current measurement devices such as the photoelectric effect and dark current measurements.


Additional description:


Resistivity is used to indicate the physical resistance characteristics of various substances. Some material 1 meter long, cross-sectional area of ??1 square millimeter at room temperature (20 ℃ pm) resistance of the wire, called the resistivity of the material. Resistivity is measured in ohm-meters (Ω · m or

ohmm), commonly used unit is ohm-mm and ohm meter.


Lower resistivity material is called a conductor, the common conductor is the main metal, and the conductive nature best silver, followed by the semiconductor, silicon-germanium. When there is an external electric field, the metal in the movement of free electrons and lattice nodes constantly hot vibrator is made from

Collide with the child, so that electron movement hindered, thus it has a certain resistance. Other conductive materials easily such as glass, rubber, etc., high resistivity, commonly referred to as an insulator. Between the material between the conductor and the insulator (such as silicon) called semiconductors. Resistivity

Science symbol ρ (Rho). The resistance of the object is known, by resistivity ρ, length l and cross-sectional area A calculated: ρ = RA / I, in the formula, the resistance R in ohms, the length l in meters, cross-sectional area A in square meters, unit of resistivity ρ


The formula

Resistivity is calculated as: ρ = RS / L
ρ is the resistivity - common units Ω · m
S is the cross-sectional area - common units ㎡
R is the resistance value - common units Ω
L is the length of the wire - common in m
Another resistivity is calculated as: ρ = E / J
ρ is the resistivity - common units Ω · mm2 / m [1]
E is the electric field strength - Common units N / C
J is the current density - Common units A / m
(E, J be the vector)


1. And the conductor resistivity ρ of the material only, but also on the temperature and the conductor. Little change in the temperature range: Almost all metals resistivity changes linearly with temperature, that is ρ = ρo (1 + at). Where t is the Celsius temperature, ρo is the resistivity O ℃, a

Is the temperature coefficient of resistivity.
2. Since the resistance change with temperature change, so for some electrical resistance, which must indicate their physical state. If a 220 V -100 W lamp filament resistance is 484 ohms when power is not energized only 40 ohms.
3. Resistivity and resistance are two different concepts. Resistivity material on the current hindered reflect the attributes of objects on the current resistance is hindered reflecting properties.



Under normal (from the table) in order, the best conductivity of silver, copper, aluminum, which is the most common three materials, often used as a conductor, of which the most widely used in the copper, the wires are now almost Copper (precision instruments, except for special occasions) aluminum due

Chemically unstable prone to oxidation has been eliminated. Because aluminum density, drawn wide, and the price cheaper than copper, is now widely used in power transmission system overhead electricity transmission lines. In order to solve insufficient rigidity aluminum defects, generally ACSR, namely

Aluminum wire coated with an internal steel wire to improve strength. Silver conductive best performance, but because of the high cost of rarely used, and only in high demand situations was only used, such as precision instruments, high-frequency oscillator, aerospace and so on. By the way gold contacts on the instrument in some cases

Also useful for gold, it is because gold is chemically stable so the use of, not because of its small resistivity due.

Beijing North Canton Precision Instrument Co., Ltd. Hot products:
(Plastic and Electric Performance Series) voltage breakdown tester, electrical strength tester, dielectric breakdown strength tester, electronic universal testing machine, surface resistivity tester volume resistivity, dielectric constant and dielectric loss tester, leakage Tracking tester, horizontal vertical

Direct combustion apparatus, rubber low temperature brittleness impact tester, melt index tester, melt flow rate tester, plastic heat distortion temperature Vicat softening point tester, sliding friction and wear testing machine, arc resistance testing machine, Martin heat tester, combustible materials tester, ball

Indentation hardness, Charpy test machine, electric blankets dynamic load testing machine, universal testing machine, punching machine, dumbbell system prototype, drop hammer, dart impact, falling ball impact test machine, instrument, such as index
(Sponge foam series) foam sponge hardness indentation tester, ball rebound test machine, foam cutting machine, foam tensile strength testing machine, pressure depression and fatigue testing machine, compression testing machine, tear strength, resilience rate .


Service and Warranty:
Over the years, our company has been specializing in the production of electrical test equipment, through research, exploration, summed up a complete product service support system, to provide users with high-quality and timely pre-sales, after-sales service
To create brand, enhance their visibility and establish a corporate image, our spirit of "all the pursuit of quality, customer satisfaction for the purpose of" spirit, "the most preferential prices, the most attentive service, the most reliable product quality" principle You solemn promise:

A commitment to product quality:
1, I need to provide to ensure that the original production equipment, and factory data accessories complete. In order to maintain the normal operation of the contract and maintenance of equipment, I guarantee to provide technical information and drawings are complete, clear and correct.
2, product manufacturing and testing are quality records and test data.
3, the product performance testing, we sincerely invite users to visit the product of the whole process, all performance checks, was confirmed to be eligible after the boxed product shipped.

Second, the product price promise:
1, in order to ensure high reliability and advanced systems were chosen selection of quality brand-name domestic or international.
2, in the same competitive conditions, our company not to reduce product performance, change the product on the basis of the cost of parts, in good faith in the most favorable price to your side.

Three: installation, commissioning and acceptance of commitments:
1, to assist with the installation, responsible for equipment transport and commissioning.
2, the device according to order technical annex for acceptance. Final acceptance for the purchaser, the user-supplied samples to test and provide test reports.
3, installation and commissioning while operating the instrument off-site training of operators free 2-3, the operator should be selected by the demand side of the long-term stability of staff training to the basic principles of the equipment, software, use, operation, maintenance matter of understanding and application of the

Devices are able to operate independently of the sample detection, analysis, and can carry out basic maintenance.

Fourth, warranty:
1, the device year warranty and lifetime service within one year of non-human damaged parts replaced free of charge during the warranty period the user received an invitation, at the latest within a response time of 2 hours, after the failure with user confirmation, I will 48 hours to send engineers arrived at the scene

Free service as soon as possible to identify the fault location and cause of the malfunction, failure to promptly report the reasons for users and exclusion methods.
2, man-made damaged parts during the warranty period by purchasing (processing) prices charged replacement.
3, the warranty period to continue to provide users with high-quality technical services, the user received within 3 days after repair invited to send engineers to reach users on-site repair. And enjoy the preferential treatment of purchased parts.
4, the sensor and the whole circuit overload overpressure damage is not covered under warranty.
