Dwyer MTL20/30型 微型USB接口数据采集器
温度范围: MTL20: -40 至 185°F (-40 至 85°C); MTL30: -40 至 160°F (-40 至 70°C), 0% 至 99% RH (无结露).
精度: MTL20: ±1°F (±0.5°C); MTL30: ±1°F (±0.5°C), ±2% RH from 10% to 90% RH.
分辨率: MTL20: 0.01°F (0.01°C); MTL30: 0.01°F (0.01°C), 0.01% RH.
记忆容量: 43,334 temperature; 21,672 each temperature and RH.
采样方式: Stop on memory full or memory rollover for continuous recording.
采样速度: 1 sec. to 18 hrs.
计算机配置: Windows®-based application software included.
电源: 3.0 V lithium battery (included).
报警: Programmable high/low.
介面: USB port (cable included).
重量: 1 oz (28 g).
认证: CE