


oligomaker 1536 dna rna合成仪



oligomaker 1536 dna rna合成仪


��Ʒ����:OligoMaker 1536 DNA RNA�ϳ���OligoMaker 1536-oligomaker��Ȩ������Ʒ��:����oligomaker����:OligoMaker 1536�۸�:ѯ����ϵ��:�������绰:

OligoMaker 1536 DNA RNA�ϳ���OligoMaker 1536-oligomaker��Ȩ������

һ�����ж�� 1536 ������

DNA / RNA �ϳ��� OligoMaker 1536 ���г���zui��ĹѺ�����ϳ���֮һ�� ���������� 16 ��ͨ�������� 4 ������λ�á�

������1 - 4 x 384 �װ� �C һ������ 1 - 1536 ������
�ϳɹ�ģ��5��10 �� 25 nmol ��ģ
֧�Ų��ϣ�ͨ��֧�ű�׼��������λ�ã�4 x 1L ƿ
��׼ 2 �����λ�ã�ƽ�л �C 4L ��׼ 2 ��ϴ��λ�ã�ƽ��ϴ�� �C 4L
��׼ 2 ȥ��λ�ã�ȥ�� �C 4L
��׼ 1 Ox λ�ã������� �C 4L
��׼�� A λ�ã���� B ͬʱ�� - 2,5L �� 4L
��׼ñ B λ�ã���ñ A һ���� �C 2,5L �� 4L
��׼ DEA λ�ã��ѱ��� �C 450-ml
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ֻ��һ���������ӣ�һ�����������ںϳɹ�������ƿ�м�ѹ�ʹ�ɨ���� - ����ࣺ1160 x 600 x 600 ���ף��� x �� x �ߣ� - ����д��ֱ���� ά�����ڼ���ʱ���ڸ������ź͹ܵ�����

��������10" ������
Wi-Fi����������du��������Ҳ����ͨ������ PC �� Mac ����
���������ռ����ݣ�Ϊ GMP Ŀ���ռ�����
IUPAC ���룺��ϼ��������
�ϳ� >60-mer���Զ���Ӷ�����Լ���ż��ʱ��

Capacity: 1 - 4 x 384-well plates   �C   1 - 1536 primers in one run
Scale of synthesis: 5, 10 and 25 nmol scale
Support material: Universal support Standard Phosphoramidite positions: 4 x 1L bottles
Standard 2 activator positions: Activating in parallel �C 4L Standard 2 wash positions: Washing in parallel �C 4L
Standard 2 deblocking position: Deblocking �C 4L
Standard 1 Ox position: Oxidizer �C 4L
Standard Cap A position: Capping simultaneously with Cap B �C 2,5L or 4L
Standard Cap B position: Capping simultaneously with Cap A �C 2,5L or 4L
Standard DEA position: Deprotection �C 450-ml
Free 2 positions: Custom specified
Automatic Wash and Purge System: Automatically wash and purge all nuzzles after synthesis Pressure on reagents: Each bottle can be pressurized and depressurized individually
Only one gas connection: One gas for making pressure in the bottles and purging during synthesis Instrument - and Cleaning: 1160 x 600 x 600 mm (L x W x H) - Design with large straight surfaces Maintenance: Replacing valves and tubing within a few minutes
Spare parts: Spare parts are in stock
Power: 115V or 220V
Safety: Emergency Stop
QC: All instruments undergo a strict quality control process in our lab
Certification: CE marking

Touch screen: 10" touch screen
Wi-Fi: Instrument can be operated as stand-alone or from your PC or Mac
Collecting data from runs: Collecting data for GMP-purposes
IUPAC codes: Mixed bases are not available
Chemical consumption: Automatically calculation of the single reagent consumption Coupling time: Adjustable
Synthesis >60-mer: Automatically adds extra reagents and coupling time
Draining time: Draining time is automatically adjusted depending on finished oligos
