参 数 | 最 小 | 典 型 | | 单 位 | 条 件 |
温 度 参 数 |
温度范围 | -40 | 25 | 85 | ℃ | 工作时 |
-40 | 25 | 125 | ℃ | 存储时 |
电 压 参 数 |
工作电压 | 1.8 | 3.3 | 3.6 | V | |
电 流 参 数 |
发射电流 | - | <120 | - | mA | 19 dBm,868MHz |
接收电流 | - | <18 | | mA | 2.4 Kbps, DSSS |
休眠电流 | - | <2.5 | - | uA | |
射 频 参 数 |
发射功率 | -43.5 | 19 | 22.9 | dBm | 1.2 kbps, DSSS, 868 MHz |
接收灵敏度 | - | -128 | - | dBm | 1.2 kbps, DSSS, 868 MHz |
MCU 参 数 |
MCU | High Performance 32-bit 40 MHz ARM Cortex®-M4 with DSP instruction and floating-point unit for efficient signal processing |
ADC | 12-bit 1 Msps SAR Analog to Digital Converter |
ACMP | 2 × Analog Comparator |
VDAC | 2 × Digital to Analog Converter |
Opamp | 2 × Operational Amplifier |
IDAC | Digital to Analog Current Converter |
LESENSE | Low-Energy Sensor Interface |
APORT | Up to 32 pins connected to analog channels shared between analog peripherals |
I/O | Up to 32 General Purpose I/O pins with output state retention and asynchronous interrupts |
DMA | 8 Channel DMA Controller |
PRS | 12 Channel Peripheral Reflex System |
TIMER | 2 × 16-bit Timer/Counter , 1 × 32-bit Timer/Counter |
RTC | 32-bit Real Time Counter and Calendar |
LETIMER | 16-bit Low Energy Timer for waveform generation |
ULETIMER | 32-bit Ultra Low Energy Timer/Counter for periodic wake-up from any Energy Mode |
WDT | 2 × Watchdog Timer with dedicated RC oscillator |
UART/SPI/ SmartCard/ IrDA/I2S | 2 × Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter |
LEUART™ | Low Energy UART • I2C interface with SMBus support and address recognition in EM3 Stop |